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Born in Spokane, Washington, Phil spent his early years with his family boating the lakes of Eastern Washington and the magnificent Puget Sound. The Jones family moved to Boston when Phil was six, and Phil began to truly develop an interest for the mariner life-style and the folklore of the New England coastline. The family would take their small boat fishing and exploring famous ports such as Gloucester, Cape Cod, Wood’s Hole and Salem. As an inspired young artist, Phil enrolled in art classes and also took field trips to Salem’s Maritime Museum and Boston’s incredible

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Museum of Fine arts where he learned to appreciate New England’s Painters such as Winslow Homer, Edward Hopper, and the Wyeth Family. As a teenager, Phil and his family moved to the San Francisco Bay area where he continued to treasure the colorful history of California, rich with Clipper Ships and Windjammers. He learned to sail on the Bay, and also continued to work on his sketching and painting, finally returning back to Washington State where he graduated in 1981, with a B.F.A. in Graphic Design.


Today, Phil paints from his home studio, 5 minutes from the shores of Alki Beach in Seattle, Washington. Much of his work reflects the awesome splendor of the Northwest. Phil also collects much of his reference materials from his sailing adventures throughout the interior waters of Washington, British Columbia and Mexico.


As a commercial artist for over 35 years, Phil has explored many avenues of artistic expression, having been both a graphic designer and retail store designer. He has worked in both 3 dimensional and 2 dimensional media, however it is watercolors that he feels best suites his taste and compliments the Maritime subject matter.


Phil is available for commission work, public or private showings. Originals works and Hi Resolution prints are available. Please get in touch with him below for more information.

Thank you.

©2022 by Phil Jones, All Rights Reserved. Website design by Colton Weinman.

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